Monday, September 12, 2022

Yesterday: My Rainy Sunday

Yesterday it was a rainy, rainy Sunday, but luckily the plants in the garden got some water. And, it left me an entire day for dollhouse fun! Just give me a second to tune the radio - and here we are!
That's an image of one of the Servant's Rooms in my dollhouse on the fourth floor. It's where the cook and a housemaid sleeps. Those identical beds were a lot of fun to make! You can also see, to the right, another servant's room (but the configuration has shifted, they are no longer next to each other), and a bathroom below it (same sentiment as before). Now, for some dollhouse updates! I love houses with odd features - they seem even more realistic that way, so I decided to add my own special twist on my dollhouse. And - here it is! I decided to jut one of the walls forward - creating a space for more windows. Here's an image of what will be the new configuration.
Or, another image:
I'll have to wait until I get more IKEA Moppe Boxes for this to become reality instead of a dream - and I can't wait! Have a great day!


  1. The servant's room is so cute! Great job on the beds! I love the idea to create depth and add windows! Rainy days are made for minis!

    1. Dear Jodi,
      Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, rainy days are perfect for minis! I can't wait to add more windows - peeking in dollhouse windows is so fun!

  2. Wonderful room. Love your architectural style.


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