Saturday, November 26, 2022

Up In The Attic

The attic in Lockwood Manor has an odd configuration: the ceiling isn't large enough for it to be an actual room, so I had always planned on all of the rooms to be playhouses, little hideaways, or perhaps even extra bedrooms if there were too many guests.
For some odd reason, I had an idea to create a tiny bit of a hallway next to the North Attic Bedroom, barely more than an inch wide. While I do not have any photographs of it, I do have two images of the door that led to it. The door and that wall (on the right of the top image) were a placeholder for when I built a better door that actually worked and had hinges.
Yesterday, I decided it was high time to demolish that wall and build the permanent structure.
As seen in this image, the wall extended all of the way to the floor. This was also just a placeholder: when the time came I would add a knee wall.
First, I had to rip out the wall with the fake door so I could demolish the tiny hallway. Ripping out the wall also ripped out some of the wallpaper I had used in the hallway (the reverse of the wallpaper I had used in the North Attic Bedroom). The problem with this was that I didn't know where the wallpaper I had used for the North Attic Bedroom was. It was actually real-life wallpaper, so I couldn't just print some out. Try as I might, I couldn't figure out a way around this, so I put it off.
When I tried to pull off a baseboard that I had attached to the wall, it also pulled off a bit of wallpaper, but this was fine because it would be covered by the knee wall.
Luckily, most of this mess would be covered up by the knee wall.
I built a mockup of sturdy cardboard and wood for the knee wall, and decided I liked it.
That was the space I would lose by adding a knee wall. At first, I thought I could add wiring, but I hate dealing with the electricity, so I left it off.
I was too carried away to take any photos during construction, but that was the result after I had added all of the paneling.
I still had to add the top of the paneling as you can see in this photo.
All done! Except for the wallpaper. This I couldn't figure out until I looked at the wall that I had demolished from the fake door. It still had some wallpaper on it.
I glued it in. I didn't want to risk ripping the wallpaper while pulling it off of the piece of wood, so I left the piece of wood there, which is why it protrudes out a bit. The wallpaper didn't quite reach the top of the wall, but this was fine because I was going to add paneling there anyway.
After I had finished gluing it in, the knee wall looked like that.
The front view. I had finished paneling where the wallpaper didn't reach the top of the wall.
Unfortunately, where I pulled away the wall with the fake door left glue marks. I wanted to cover that up with wood flooring, but a bit of a disaster episode ensued, so I figured I could do it some other time, and added a coat of paint to it. With a carpet on top, you can't even tell the difference.
There is the mockup of the wall!
Unfortunately, there is a gap between the attic that is part of the section with the Nursery and the section with Anthea's room. Hopefully, I can cover this up with trim.
Most of the problem is due to a piece of wood that bumps into the knee wall, so the sections don't sit flush to each other. I will remove the piece of wood, and hopefully the gap will subside.
I also added trim to the top of the wall, which makes it look a lot neater!
A photo shoot of the knee wall ensued. The radio is a placeholder.
The paneling is completely done! There is a little nail in the wall because it was there when the wall was part of the fake door, and unfortunately it's stuck quite tight so it's impossible to remove. You'll just have to play along with me that the knee wall was there all along and was part of the 1925 renovation of the attic :-)
Hopefully I will be back soon with the North Attic Bedroom complete!


  1. You came up with wonderful solutions and the attic looks great! If you run into space issues with the attic in the future, you can always add a dormer section. Have fun with the next room! You are making great progress!

    1. Thank you, Jodi! I'm so glad that you liked the attic! Adding a dormer is a splendid idea that I'll certainly have to add somewhere in the attic!
      Thank you again!

  2. Julia. I found your work very easy to follow because of the wonderful pictures. I never heard the expression knee wall, but it is obvious. I hope to send you another letter soon. Your last letter you mailed on the 2nd and it didn’t get here til the 17th! Xx Gageba

    1. I'm glad that you like my pictures! I learned the expression knee wall through miniatures, too! :-) I think it's a good idea for attics, because it not only stabilizes the wall, but it's easier to arrange furniture in. I'm glad you got my last letter! I anxiously await your reply! Julia


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