Saturday, October 15, 2022

Catching Up

I haven't done much miniature work for the past few days, so when I took a look at my dollhouse - it was a mess!
George's room was especially messy - I hadn't done much work there for a few weeks, so I figured, there's no better time then the present!
So I emptied it, and decided to get right down to business. The first step, of course, was to fix the stained glass in the window.
Here it is from quite a few posts ago. As you can see, I left the stained glass messy and unfinished - an error I needed to fix right away! The first thing I did were quite a few experiments - I wanted to make a window valance. My only problem was that I didn't know how, so it became a little bit messy.
I picked a pretty fabric that I assumed would match with the blue-green color scheme of the room.
All of those images you see are a quick succession of making the window valence (or, what was supposed to be the window valance.
When I was about halfway done, I taped it up to the window to get the general effect, and I didn't like it at all. Back to the square one!
I decided to go back to my original idea - bamboo window blinds. Above where the two choices I had: plain blinds, and a sort of green-distressed blind. I chose the plain blinds, and we were off again!
I held it up and liked it, but you didn't get the effect I wanted - that is, it was a bit unhospitable, and it covered up to much of the window to see out of, and after all, I just needed enough for it to cover up the stained glass window. I thought that it was a bit unnecessarily long.
So I cut it in half. It looked swell, but I disliked the long white string that was danling from it - it was needed to pull the blinds up (if they worked), but I thought it needed to be attached to something, so I made a tiny piece of fake tape.
You can see the fake tape in the photo above - I made it stick using my sticker machine from Paper Source.
With that sorted, I took that oppurtunity to photograph the little outlet I had promised to show a photo of. There are actually two in the room.
And with a penny for scale.
Then I positioned two rugs on the floor and liked the effect. I especially like the green colors - they are both fabric samples.
There is also a little hole in the wall to thread any wires through when I add the electric lights.
Luckily, even with the blinds up, you can still see light shining through the stained glass windows.
I added a bit of knick-knacks on the shelves. I still need some toys for the top shelf.
The entire room - you can see that on the middle shelf I added some kind of horn - apparently George plays an instrument!
I made some little pencils and stuck them in a little jar with a label - there is an eraser next to them.
With sun streaming through the windows, it makes George's room look very cosy! All I need to do now are fill up the top shelf and reattach the airplane that felt down! See you next week! Signing off with a old fashioned-looking photo of George's fireplace - I think it looks very 1930s!


  1. Wow! What a lovely transformation! It is such a great feeling to redecorate and make a mini room into a beautiful space again! Mine would be happy if I would just dust them more often, lol!

    1. Thank you, Jodi! Oh my goodness - somebody should patent a mini vacuum cleaner for dollhouse - I would definitely buy it!
      Have a lovely day,


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